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french language
This site offers a summary of the 2007 report of the Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change. The site allows readers to choose the level of detail that best suits their needs.
The French Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development website offers in-depth information on
climate change-related issues.
Created by the Economic and Social Council, the site offers a blog for scientists, experts and the public to
exchange ideas and debate climate change.
The site contains documents that strive to explain the economics and science of climate change. A section
for teachers offers an educational quiz on climate change.
Environnement Canada, the website of Canada's environmental bodies offers an in-depth overview of
Canada's multi-pronged approach to combating climate change.
The European Commission's You Control Climate Change campaign is helping individuals contribute to the
fight against climate change.
Climate Change: Useful Links
This page contains links to websites from governments, international
organizations, non-governmental organizations, businesses, media, and other
groups from around the world to help you research the complex phenomenon
of climate change. We have compiled these links from our own review of
the vast amount of information available on the Internet to help you to find
the most relevant sources for your research. Our Planet magazine does not,
however, endorse the viewpoints of any of the groups to which we link, and we
cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information posted on these sites. Rather,
we hope to provide you with a broad range of opinions and perspectives.
know the facts
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established by the World Meteorological
Organisation (WMO)and UNEP to assess scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant for the
understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation.
Vital climate graphics, produced by UNEP GRID-Arendal, provides clear and easy to understand graphic
information on climate change, based on IPCC assessment reports, for use by scientists, policy makers, educators
and the public.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol provide the foundation for
global efforts to reverse global warming by reducing or offsetting greenhouse gas emissions.
UNEP's climate change site provides information on UNEP's climate change work and links to UNEP's partners.
Information about the 2007 World Environment Day theme `Melting Ice: A Hot Topic', plus details about how to
plan or become involved in World Environment Day activities around the world.
be part of the solution
"There is no more important cause than the call to action to save our planet. This is a movement about change,
as individuals, as a country, and as a global community. We are all contributors to global warming and we all
need to be part of the solution."
"People around the world taking action on pressing global issues." Avaaz presented the first 00,000 signatures
of a climate change petition to a G8 Environment Ministers meeting in March, and is collecting further
signatures for the June G8 leaders summit, where German Chancellor and G8 President Angela Merkel has made
climate change a priority issue.
"Reduce what you can, offset what you can not." The Carbon Fund's mission is a zero carbon world. It works to
reduce the threat of climate change by making it easy and affordable for any individual or business to reduce
their carbon footprint and support climate-friendly projects.
The Climate Protection Partnership is based on the concept of voluntary and innovative solutions for climate
protection and the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency. The site contains a reference section
on organizations and event organizers who are already offsetting CO2 emissions with
The CarbonNeutral Company claims to be one of the world's leading carbon offset and climate consulting
businesses, helping thousands of people and hundreds of major companies around the world to measure,
reduce and offset their CO2 emissions. The site contains links for business, carbon buyers, carbon projects and
climate friendly products.
Carbon Footprint is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount
of greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of CO2. This website encourages users to take three simple
steps: . calculate your carbon footprint, 2. reduce your carbon footprint, and 3. off-set your carbon footprint.
Backed by celebrities, musicians, politicians and business leaders this new global movement aims to reverse the
effects of global warming by asking one billion people to reduce their carbon emissions by just one tonne a year,
for the next decade through doing simple things such as unplugging your I-Pod or mobile phone charger when
it's not in use.
"The latest in green gossip." Ecorazzi exists as "a conduit to report on the latest celebrity gossip as it pertains to
activism and inspiring change... We also highlight humanitarian efforts, beneficial campaigns, fundraisers and
acts of good."
TreeHugger describes itself as "the leading media outlet dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream. Partial to
a modern aesthetic, we strive to be a one-stop shop for green news, solutions, and product information."
Google Earth puts UNEP offices on the Map - Ever wondered what UNEP headquarters in Nairobi looks like? Or where UNEP's new
offices in Panama City or Paris are? What about UNEP in Japan? Thanks to Google Earth and Google Maps technology, UNEP has now made
it easier to find any UNEP office anywhere in the world. Internet surfers with Google Earth will soon be able to go on virtual missions to any
UNEP regional office, outposted office, collaborating centre or secretariat, by simply downloading a small file from UNEP
logos will appear on their virtual globe and clicking on any one will take them to the office at that location, and show them the address
and background and contact information for the office. Depending on the detail of satellite images available, users may even be able to
zoom in to the exact building where the office is located.