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A recent article published by a team of atmospheric
scientists showed that actions resulting from the
1987 Montreal Protocol treaty have had a significant
impact on protecting the earth's climate as well as
protecting the ozone layer. The scientists conclude
that reductions in ozone-depleting emissions, such as
chlorofluorocarbon compounds (CFCs), has offset 10
years of carbon dioxide emissions.
This is good news for several reasons. First it shows that
the international community did the right thing when
it took action on CFCs. But even more importantly,
it demonstrates that we can take concrete action on
climate change, and that action works.
The challenge of global warming today is every bit as
serious, but far more complex, than the ozone issue
that confronted the framers of the Montreal Protocol.
The need for concrete global action is also just as
imperative -- perhaps more so because we now
know that action works. We need to work together
to develop a meaningful and coordinated global
approach. We strongly believe in the principles outlined
by the Global Roundtable on Climate Change and the
U.S. Climate Action Partnership, two coalitions that
have recently outlined policy frameworks to address
climate change. We encourage other organizations to
support these efforts to advance global action.
DuPont has been acting to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions at its operations around the world
for nearly 20 years. It has reduced greenhouse
gas emissions more than 70 per cent since 1991,
realizing more than US$3 billion in avoided energy
costs. Now we have established our own ambitious
sustainability goals that focus on further global
greenhouse gas emission reductions as well as
delivering new, efficient technologies and products
to the marketplace. With them, we have broadened
our sustainability commitments beyond our own
environmental footprint reduction to include market-
driven targets for both product revenue and research
and development investment that are tied directly to
business growth -- specifically to the development
of safer and environmentally improved products for
global markets.
We are developing advanced, high-performance fuels
and other bio-based energy alternatives to expand
fuel options for consumers, and we already provide
high-performance materials for photovoltaic solar
panels and fuel cells. We are working on refrigerant
alternatives with lower global warming potential,
and last year we announced the development of a
new car air conditioning refrigerant to meet the new
European Union regulations. We recently launched
the first breathable roofing membrane which, used
together with another of our products, forms an
envelope surrounding the entire home, saving up to
20 percent of energy costs.
We are keenly aware that the kinds of concrete
action we are taking can also be taken by suppliers,
customers and consumers throughout the value
chains in which we operate. We all need to take action
on climate change in ways specific to our businesses,
work, and lifestyles. We encourage dialogue among
companies, the scientific community, governments
and environmental groups -- and we urge action by
everyone. DuPont is committed to a global climate
policy that is both environmentally effective and
economically sustainable. While specific policy actions
will still be discussed, what should not be debated is
whether action is necessary. On that point the debate
should rest, because the early results are in and they
confirm what we expected: action works.
by Linda Fisher