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Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
A highly principled British colonel becomes obsessed with leading a band of P.O.W.s in building a bridge at the behest
of their Japanese captors in World War II Burma. Under the leadership of Colonel Nicholson Played by Alec Guinness),
they are persuaded that the bridge should be constructed as a monument of British character and dignity in adverse
circumstances. Though well-intentioned, the bridge clearly becomes a monument to himself, and its construction
becomes a subtle form of collaboration with the enemy. The winner of seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture
and Best Director--the film has been digitally restored from the original negatives to create a stunning new 35mm
(161 min. Rated PG)
Summertime (1955)
David Lean's endearing and visually
enchanting film is about a middle-aged
American woman's dream to find romance
while vacationing in Venice, Italy. Katherine
Hepburn, as Jane, falls for a married art
dealer (Rossano Brazzi) while engulfed in
the art, architecture, music, and cuisine
of Venice. Hepburn's Jane is like a child,
absorbing everything around her. Though
her new-found romance is not the innocent
love affair that she was seeking, she falls
in love, no less. Lean's intention was to
capture a child at play, and eventually, all
children must grow up. Summertime, Lean's
own favorite film, was nominated for a Best
Director Academy Award.
(100 min. Rated NR)
Series: The Lean Years