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You see, Molly's mission to "see" him was actually her mission to be able to say a goodbye to
the little boy who had taken a chance to trust her, and in the process, had captured a piece of
her heart and soul. Molly needed closure and a visual confirmation that her promise to not
"leave him or allow anything else bad happen to him" was now a reality.
Her own heart needed to know and to "see" that DORATO was safe, loved, and would now
have his own forever home and family. She wanted to just give him sweet kisses and to
whisper one last time into his ear, "you're're loved...and soon you'll be forever
Marcia called DORATO's foster, Jennifer, who was more than happy and elated to make that
meeting between the little pup and his first advocate, Molly, happen! And happen, it did!
Jennifer tells us that it was truly a sight to behold - little DORATO remembered Molly and was
super-excited to see his human friend and Molly was in tears at being reunited with her little
stray boy, DORATO. There was a lot of tears, laughter, smiles and two hearts that for those
few moments, again beat as ONE! Jennifer promised Molly that she would keep in touch with
her and let her know about the rest of DORATO'S journey to his forever home and family!
As the days rolled by, DORATO transitioned from a scared, matted, scruffy, forgotten little stray
to a groomed, fed, loved, safe and happy little pup! It didn't take long before that "promise"
of a forever home and family came along!
He was adopted by a wonderful set of new
parents who had lost their schnauzer who
had passed away a year before. They were
looking for a "special dog" to fill that void,
and little DORATO was looking for a void to
fill! He immediately bonded with them
and Jennifer says she and Molly couldn't
have found a better home and heart for
this little pup! Molly is now a forever fan
of our rescue, and eagerly spreads the
word of what loving hearts can do when
united in one purpose and cause to
"Rescue ONE Until There Are NONE".