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Travel can be stressful at any time, but for pet owners
bringing their beloved dog or cat along on vacation, the stakes
are even higher. Cautionary tales abound, especially about
incidents on aircraft. The Department of Transportation (DOT)
reports that in 2014, there were 17 pet deaths, 26 pet injuries
and two pets gone missing on U.S. carriers. While one pet
death, injury or loss is too many, more than two million pets
and animals are flown by the nation's carriers each year.
Here are five myths about traveling with pets.
1. The pet cargo hold is either too hot or too cold on the aircraft.
"This is a myth," says Laurie S. Coger, DVM, CVCP, who runs and is resident
veterinarian at Canine Camp Getaway in the Adirondacks. "The pet cargo area is temperature and pressure-
controlled, just like the passenger cabin."
What is true is that some animals have a harder time than others, says Dr. Jeff Werber, who hosts Pet Care TV
and is past host of Petcetera on Animal Planet Network. Dr. Werber says that "short-snouted breeds like bull-
dogs, Boston terriers and pugs are more prone to travel-related problems."
If you are flying with your pet, Dr. Werber recommends choosing a non-stop flight to minimize the changes in
temperature that your pet is subjected to. He notes that there are companies that arrange pet travel, but to
be sure to find a reputable company with references you have checked.
"Flying your pet is not something you do lightly or without vigilant involvement," Dr. Werber says. "Go on the
same flight as your pet so you can keep track and check on him or her."
2. Animals frequently get injured or even die in the pet cargo holds.
Not true, says Dr. Coger. "Most injuries, escapes or deaths occur on the ground," she says. "Heat stroke, injuries
due to crates being dropped or broken, or other mishaps are most likely during loading and unloading."
"The reason many airlines restrict travel during hot or cold times is the lack of climate control while waiting to
board the plane," says Dr. Coger. "Tarmacs can get blazingly hot or dangerously cold, putting a pet sitting in an
airline crate at great risk. Some airlines have climate-controlled pet areas where pets are held until they board.
Always ask what an airline's procedures are for pets that are waiting to board, and for when they are unloaded."
3. It's safer to take my pets by car, even on a long drive, than to fly with them.
In fact, this is really case-dependent, Dr. Coger says, adding that "traveling by car gives the owner control over
when to take a rest stop, to feed, water or exercise the pet. This is safer and more advantageous for some pets,
such as an arthritic pet, one with other health conditions or one that is extremely anxious. "
5 Myths about Traveling with Pets
Everett Potter, Special for USA TODAY