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They didn't see each other for a while after that until one day, a beautiful blonde whizzed by, hair
blowing, in a black Ferrari, looking every bit like Christie Brinkley in the famous movie, "Vacation". As
his heart was skipping a few beats, John thought to himself,
"I think she lives in this neighborhood!"
was right!
Their next meeting was at the subdivision HOA President's Christmas party. There she was, again. As
John would describe it
, "our eyes met, locked and it was kismet ­ we knew at that moment we were
meant to be!"
It would take a few months for both to extricate themselves from current relationships,
but they were able to start officially dating in June of 1994. They started down a fast road to "forever"
and in August when Lynn arranged for a limo to pick them up and take them to the premiere restaurant
in Atlanta to celebrate John's birthday on August 18
, that ride in the limo, complete with champagne,
turned into a trip of destiny when John dropped to one knee, pulled out a beautiful ring and asked Lynn
the ultimate question:
"As another birthday present to me, would you do me the honor of marrying me?"
They arrived at the restaurant as an engaged couple and would marry in December of 1994 to start their
love-of-a-lifetime partnership.
I asked John to share some of Lynn's passions in life and he shared with us that she/they loved to travel
and were able to take trips to such ports of call as China, Japan and even taking a dream trip to England
aboard the Queen Elizabeth II (QEII) ship, spending time taking trips through London, England by motor
coach and culminating with the trip home aboard the Concord, traveling at speeds of 1400 mph. John
was able to watch the sun come up from his window aboard the Concord as they were swept to their
destination at JFK Airport in New York.
Lynn also had an obvious passion for animals! She loved the little white
fluffies such as Rambo, and now Hubbell (an almost 12-yr old Poodle
mix) and Gatsby (Maltese boy who is 7 yrs. old) the "supermodel boy".
Her heart was always full of love for her "children" ­ and those children
would play a huge part in getting John through the devastating loss of
Lynn was an RN and had a passion for nursing and for her patients. She
worked for a plastic surgeon in Marietta. Lynn dearly loved nursing,
was very attentive and loving toward her patients, especially through
the recovery process. Lynn retired in 2005 after she and John moved
into the current home where John and the pups still live today.
John said Lynn had quite the "fiery" personality along with a wicked sense of humor. He shared with us
a funny story about the time he questioned Lynn as to why they kept the Ferrari which needed lots of
work and was expensive to maintain. She simply said,
"Come with me,"
and proceeded to take John on
a raceway-type exciting and breathtaking 20-minute trip, causing him to hold on for dear life during the
ride to share with him how a Ferrari should be driven. When they returned home, Lynn asked
"Do you
still want to get rid of it?"
John replied,
"No, honey, I just want to go inside and change my underwear!"
Author's Note: In fairness, we should also say John shares Lynn's
love of cars ­ just another thing they had deeply in common. He
has a Tesla that he loves "almost" as much as his pups, but not
nearly as much as he loved Lynn!
We asked Mr. Copenhaver to share with us what drew him to
Angels Among Us Pet Rescue, and why he chose our organization
to benefit from the Memorial Fund honoring his late wife.