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to a new era in ACRA
Recently ACRA held a "Special Meeting" for members
in regards to an Association name change. As of the
of February 2013 the Association will now be known as the Australasian Concrete Repair Association
(ACRA) and will be soon heading over to New Zealand to hold one of many Technical Courses but the first
will be in Auckland and details will be posted soon
. As New Zealand doesn't have their own Concrete Repair
Association and we had received a lot of interest from our neighbours we thought it was time to head over
there with a view at some stage of starting an ACRA Sub Branch in New Zealand also. Adding to this we do
have our first NZ member which is Water Infrastructure Group-NZ.
So if you have any New Zealand contacts you would like to share with ACRA please send the details to
or if you have an office in the Australasian region and would like to see these details
on our NEW website, send them through.
Don't forget to u
pdate all your databases with our new name, all other details remain the same.
Meet our first Branch Committee in Western Australia
Recently Andrew Dickinson, ACRA President flew over to Perth to meet with our first Branch Committee
which is in WA. With this new committee, WA will be seeing more ACRA seminars and more information will
be distributed to our members and future ACRA members in WA.
Our first Branch Committee WA consists of:
Anthony Mesic (Branch President) from Freysinet Australia Pty Ltd
Chris Oates (Branch Vice President) from Duratec Australia
Johnny Au (Branch Secretary) from GHD
And Gary Bennet from Parchem Construction Supplies.
Left to right: Andrew Dickinson, Chris Oats, Anthony
Mesic and Johnny Au (Gary Bennet not shown)