Page 62 The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch September 6, 2013 Penny’s Loafers – Barbara Mills, Lisa Phillips, Lori Owens, Pamela Hammond, Kelly Senft, Carroll Mills, Sharon Hearn and Emma Travers – will be walking for a cure on Sept. 27 in the Wicomico County Relay for Life. People By Jeanette Deskiewicz FEATURING THOSE HELPING CAUSES IN THE RESORT AREA In Society Getting things set up for the Wednesday Night Free Movie on the Beach outside Carousel Hotel were Heather Riser, Jacob Manire, Logan Smith, Craig Southard and Mitch Good of Ocean City Recreation and Parks. SRG All-Stars Lawless Lucy, Serious Snowflake and Lexa Cution want you to come see them battle it out against the Dominion Derby in Salisbury on Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. Twining’s Lobster Shanty employees Teri McClain, Scotty “Hotty” Carol and Kelly Bowden catered to the needs of the OC Parrothead Club during the group’s August social. Wicomico County Relay for Life co-chair Lori O’Malley and committee member Jess Kling promoted the Sept. 27 event during the Shorebirds Relay Night. OC Parrothead Club members Diane SimThird- and first-place winners of the Lobster mons and Ruth Gawryluk were ecstatic about Shanty Open, Laurie and Hugh Cavallaro, show the number of supplies they received for off their catch during last month’s Ocean City Worcester GOLD at their Back to School social. Parrothead Club social. Salisbury Roller Girls Bama SlamHer and Smashton Pusher worked the door at Mitchell’s Martial Arts during last month’s showdown with the NJ Hellrazors. Elizabeth Sneade and Joan Smallwood of the Providing the play-by-play commentary durCrazy Lady Crusaders sold jewelry during Relay ing the recent bout of the Salisbury Roller Girls Night at Perdue Stadium to raise money for their Wicomikazis were announcers Axl Rolls and team. Madman Skatermouth.