July 12, 2013 The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch Page 11 OC TAXPAYERS FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE JULY 15, 2013 PURPOSE: TO TAKE THE TOWN OF OCEAN CITY BACK FROM DESTRUCTIVE GOVERNANCE. Tired of parking meters, too many taxes, high water bills, crime, graffiti, vacancies unattended? Want to do something about it? Do you pay taxes in Ocean City? COME TO OUR TOWN HALL MEETING NO. 2 AT HALL'S RESTAURANT, 60TH STREET BRING A FRIEND! MONDAY, JULY 15, AT 3 P.M. • NOW IT'S TIME TO ACT!! DENNIS DARE IN HIS LETTER IN SUPPORT OF ADDITIONAL PARKING STATES: "No additional paid parking will be added to Ocean City unless it is justified and widely accepted." DO YOU BELIEVE HIM? WE DON'T! COME TO OUR MEETING TO TAKE OCEAN CITY BACK. NEWS FROM CITY HALL!! WE MUST WORK TO RESTORE INTEGRITY TO OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT!! 1) The Mayor ordered the purchase of 13 Calle (parking meters) 45 days before the public hearing and council vote for approval! The night of the vote there was a new Calle machine already installed in the City hall Parking lot! 2) The recent tax increase imposed by the mayor and five on the council of more than 2% on real estate locally was passed in violation of a required public hearing and a public advertising! OC Taxpayers For Social Justice ~ "Let's return integrity to Ocean City Government" TOPICS TO BE DISCUSSED THIS WEEK: 1) Are the local papers in touch with the voter taxpayers and general taxpayers who support them? 2) The cost of public safety has gone up 807% and crime has also gone up. Why? If crime increases when we spend more on police, why? If having more police doesn't reduce crime, what increases crime? 3) Why are we getting such a large response against parking meters? What do parking meters symbolize? Do meters just represent general frustration among voters with their lives? Are parking meters a symbol of overreaching by government? Parking meters reflect an inner city? Do we want to look like an inner-city? Or a beach resort? 4) Topic from the floor; any taxpayer voter has the right to discuss anything they want that relates to life in Ocean City. Guest Speaker Monday, July 15, 2013, At The Second OC Town Hall Meeting Sponsored By OC Taxpayers For Social Justice Is Our Host, Mr. Joe Hall! Mr. Hall is offering free sodas for all in attendance during the meeting heat. He will also be personally passing out special discount passes that will be usable downstairs for food if desired. There will be an update on our parking solicitation to reverse the recent meters on the ballot! LAST MEETING (SUMMARY) 1) Many people were disturbed by the recent wage increases for full-time employees (approx. 530) in Ocean City. Some people believed that all employees should live in Ocean City and be subject to the same rules they impose on OC taxpayers. The group was asked how many make more than the approximate $90,000 average salary of full-time OC employees. Only three people made more than the employees out of 53. A spokesperson for OC Taxpayers for Social Justice said they exclusively support the voters and taxpayers. 2) The parking meters were a hot topic. Almost everyone was opposed to the meters. It isn't about Crab Bag on 131st or the condo people on 146th although they will benefit. The meters are a symbol for other problems. An old woman voter was intimated by visitors and was frustrated by the decline around her. A man had his home and three sons searched for drugs by aggressive police (nothing was found) while he lay in a seizure on the floor. Another man has his public light and socket broken off so it is dark at night. Other things discussed were: "Costs to live in Ocean City were through the roof, too much expenses." 3) Many long-time voters were talking about leaving town because of expenses and quality. Many cited that Fenwick was cheaper and safer. General feeling that City Hall was part of the problem, not the solution. Joe Groves and Peck Miller from Concerned Citizens For OC attended. The only Council Member who attended was Brent Asley. All participated in a lively debate. LET'S RETURN INTEGRITY TO GOVERNMENT. The mayor ordered 13 Calle machines 45 days before the public hearing and the vote. The majority of five on the council voted in a local tax increase of over 2% without the requirements of an advertisement and a public hearing. IS THIS THE KIND OF GOVERNMENT YOU WANT? Inner Cities are metered up! Do you want more meters! More expense for our resident taxpayers, non-resident taxpayers, and guests!! Is this wise!! Since Meehan/Dare emerged in 1985, look how our expenses have grown!! BELOW IS THE GROWTH IN GOVERNMENT ... DO YOU THINK THE STAGGERING COST INCREASE HAS AFFECTED OUR STANDARD OF LIVING? The MEEHAN/DARE Reign Over Ocean City GOVERNMENT COSTS HAVE SPIKED FROM ABOUT $18.2M IN 1985 TO ABOUT $120M IN 2013 OC Taxpayers for Social Justice: If you can afford a dollar or two apiece toward these ads, it would be appreciated. We will make every effort to acquire sponsors to run ads every week. Our topics are too important and timing is critical. To all voter taxpayers and taxpayers, we thank you for your support. We remind you, change is a process and we are in the early innings. God Bless America. Paid Advertisement