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Kids that give!
The Tri-Cities Cancer Center Foundation has long been
the recipient of many generous donations from corporate
sponsors, individuals and families, grateful patients,
physicians and service groups in our community.
As a partner in the Cancer Center, the community
has taken on the great responsibility of providing
the necessary support to create and build programs,
purchase needed equipment and care for cancer
patients and their families in a facility that rivals those
in major metropolitan areas in terms of technology,
safety, support and expertise.
We are confident that this will continue for many years
to come thanks to the generosity and contributions
made by so many young people in our community in
recent years. The Foundation has been the recipient of
so many of these gifts which have become an important
piece of our funding as we expand to meet the needs of
cancer patients.
Recently, the Foundation was
the recipient of a gift from a
9-year old named Chloe, who
chose to receive donations
instead of birthday gifts which
she gave to the Foundation to
support others.
"For my 9th birthday, I wanted
to raise money for the Tri-Cities
Cancer Center instead of getting presents. I wanted to do
this because I already have a bunch of things and I wanted
to help people who have cancer," Chloe stated in a letter
presented to the Tri-Cities Cancer Center Foundation.
And Chloe is not alone
in her generosity. In
July we also received a
contribution from a girl
named Hannah, who
raised money at a yard sale selling drinks and donated her
proceeds in honor of her grandma. A generous donation
was also received by a Richland girl named Danica who
donated a portion of her prize she had received by winning
a writing contest at a local physician's office.
We have also been the beneficiaries of many students
who have used their senior projects, a requirement for
graduation, as a way to help others.
J a s m i n
Garcia, a
Delta High
s e n i o r ,
c r e a t e d
an event,
" P a i n t i n g s
For Patients,"
which raised
over $2000 to
fund patient
s u p p o r t
services at
the Center. Jasmin procured art pieces, photography
and gift certificates from local businesses to create a
silent-auction gallery show for donors. Jasmin worked
to market her event through media opportunities,
Facebook and email-blasts. Her event was held in the
Wellness Center on March 22nd.
Elizabeth McLaughlin, Foundation Director
The Future of Philanthropy
Look Good ...Feel BetterŪ
Wednesday, August 21st from 10:00 a.m. to Noon
Facilitator: Robyn Stradley
Robyn will teach women going through cancer treatment how to cope with skin changes and hair loss that can result from
cancer treatment. She will instruct participants in application of cosmetics (a complimentary cosmetic kit is provided) and
how to disguise hair loss, including eyebrows. This program is sponsored by the American Cancer Society & Tri-Cities Cancer
Center Foundation. Pre-registration is required.
Please RSVP by August 19th: (509) 737-3427 or online at