A C T L O C A L LY – T H I N K G L O B A L LY CONNECT WITH ALPHA OMEGA TRAVEL WITH THE AO TORONTO CHAPTER Does skiing with fellow fraters plus continuing education sound like a great vacation? Then join the AO Toronto chapter on their 2014 ski seminars: European Ski Seminar January 17-26, 2014 Grand Valira, Andorra and Barcelona, Spain Click here for more details. Western Ski Seminar February 15-20, 2014 Big Sky, Montana Click here for more details. Save the Date 2014 December 2014 Old Ja a S H A LOM A LEICH EM CONVENTION ALPHA OMEGA The “Fire and Water Fountain”, also commonly referred to as the “Dizengo Square Fountain” Tel Aviv - Israel Tel Aviv is the second most populous city and the largest metropolitan area in Israel, with a population of 414,600. e city is located on the Israeli Mediterranean coastline in centralwest Israel, in Gush Dan, Israel’s largest metropolitan area, containing 42% of Israel’s population. Tel Aviv is a rapidly growing city in the midst of an exciting transition from medium-sized urban center to bustling international metropolis. Its booming population, energy, edginess and 24-hour life style give the city a cosmopolitan air comparable to few other cities in this part of the world. www.ao.org A L P H A O M E G A | A O N O W 14