A C T L O C A L LY – T H I N K G L O B A L LY REMEMBERING KRISTALLNACHT WELCOME NEW MEMBERS AND THANK YOU TO OUR RETURNING MEMBERS By Emil Landes London Chapter Member It is 85 years since that horrific night of Kristallnacht and yet it continues to have a profound impact on world Jewry. The emotions that this commemoration brings forward each year as well as it is important lessons should never be forgotten, so that will never again happen to the Jewish people. Suzy and I had the surreal experience of attending the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht, commemorated by an interdenominational service in Westminster Abbey in the religious heart of the Church of England on the 10th November 2013. Please read more here. ADA ELECTIONS - JEFF SHENKIN Jeff Shenkin, DDS was recently installed as the 2013-14 American Dental Association Second Vice President. The installation was conducted during the ADA’s 154th Annual Session in New Orleans, Louisana in October. Jeff will servce on the ADA Board of Trustees. Jeff is a current Alpha Omega member, a former president of the Maine Dental Association and former chair of the ADA Council on Communications. He currently serves as an ADA spokesperson on pediatric dentistry issues. AO F R AT E R S I N T H E N EW S JEFF SHENKIN Please click here for the full article. STEVE FELDMAN Steve Feldman, a D2 student and University of Maryland Zeta Mu member, recently participated in the Student Clinicians of the ADA (SCADA) Program. The program is sponsored by Dentsply International. Each year, one student from each dental school in the United States, as well as several international schools, is selected to present their research at the ADA Annual Session this past October in New Orleans, Louisiana. Students compete against one another in one of two categories, Basic Science or Clinical Research. Here is a link to the SCADA page about its history http://www.scadaresearch.org/history.html. STEVE FELDMAN Please click here for the full article. ACD FELLOWS - GAIL SCHUPAK AND LEONARD BRENNER On October 31, 2013, Gail Schupak, AO New York Chapter President and International Director, and Leonard Brenner, AO Brooklyn Chapter President, were inducted as New Fellows by the American College of Dentists. The ceremony, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, inducted 249 dentists, including Gail and Leonard. Congratulations to the New Fellows! LEONARD BRENNER ACD FELLOWS www.ao.org GAIL SCHUPAK 13