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Last year, our operating revenue grew to $14.8 million, up 4 percent,
and continued to diversify. Support fees continue to be the main source
of our revenue, and are instrumental in allowing us to perform our
community leadership work and fundraise to ensure the future of the
community foundation.
We are pleased to note that an increasing portion of revenue came
from an expanding list of clients seeking customized philanthropy
services. In this work, we help individuals, nonprofit organizations,
foundations and corporations alike with a variety of services related
to their charitable goals ­ some contract with us to prepare their tax
returns, for example, while for others we may issue gift receipts to
their donors or help administer their employee volunteering programs.
With more organizations seeking expert guidance to make their
operations more efficient, we expect continued growth in this source
of revenue, which will benefit both SVCF and the community.
Similarly, it's good news that our operating expenses as a percentage
of total assets were 0.56 percent, down from 0.70 percent in 2011.