Noter 10 Skyldige projektbevillinger (fortsat) Kontant bevilling 100 50 25 17 69.942 11.299 11.686 11.461 9.200 100 286 789 125 Øvrige ydelser I alt 2011 100 50 25 17 70.228 12.088 11.811 11.461 9.300 6.876 5.457 5.080 5.000 4.370 2.868 5.457 5.941 5.000 4.370 2.868 1.345 1.000 871 551 87 1.000 871 551 87 60 50 50 0 0 0 0 I alt 2010 0 0 0 0 79.822 15.911 13.570 12.000 9.300 8.127 5.625 6.000 5.000 5.518 2.868 2.495 1.000 1.522 1.000 425 60 50 3.150 750 712 504 Scion DTU IASP 2011 Konference Biotech Academy, DTU Biotech Camp 2011 SBE.DTU Symposium for Biotech Research AIESEC AIESEC Innovation Day and Company Day Videnskabsministeriet Industriens Fonds Hus i Kina Universefonden Suitable Growth DI Centres of Excellence CBS Robotteknologi DI Lean Ledelsesguide DNF ISI 2015 DI Global Leadership Competences Aalborg Universitet Sourcing Excellence Symbion/Scion DTU Entrepreneur Leadership Lab (EL2) NVH Fremtidssikret naturvidenskabelig undervisning C.A.S.E. Planetariet Det digitale Univers DNF Naturvidenskabernes Festival CBS Entrepreneurship and Innovation Coaching Wonderful Copenhagen Knowledge to Connect NVH Naturfagsmarathon Fonden Femern Belt Development Baltic Logistic Hub Robert Spliid Kapitalfondenes kompetencer Syddansk Universitet Miljøteknisk lærebog DI Fremtidens ledelse og organisering af innovation Experimentarium Demonstratorium, forprojekt Baltic Development Forum Topmøde i Vilnius Bright Green Carbon Fund (fortsat) 17