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Gloria Raigoza, RN, Pastoral Nurse Coordinator, counseled a pati ent, while her
daughter and grandchildren looked on.
Joann Carrillo, RN, made fl u shots fun for pati ents at free Flu Shot clinic.
Nurturing Health
Your Generosity at Work
provided free monthly wellness clinics to
low-income elderly residents of 20 metro Denver rent-
subsidized senior housing communiti es. These vulnerable
elders are oft en forgott en, falling through cracks in health and
social service systems. Thanks to your gift s, 955 clients made
4,076 visits to wellness clinics held in their buildings. 255 of
those were new clients in 2013. Wellness clinics help seniors
manage their chronic diseases, stay healthy and out of the
hospital. 118 HealthSET clients received case management
services in the Nurse Care Management program.
just what its name implies. Here stroke survivors and their
families and caregivers experienced respite from doctors,
hospitals, and the strains of daily life, while they learned
to improve the quality of their "new normal" life. Your
contributi ons to neurosciences programs at St. Anthony
Hospital helped sponsor families for this 3-day camp.
preventi ve health educati on, home care, and connecti ons
to community resources for low-income families in our
community. She also ensured that 4,000 low-income people
received free fl u shots, helping them avoid illness, the costs of
medical care and ti me away from work. Your gift s helped keep
these vulnerable people well.
In 2013, your gift s to St. Anthony
Health Foundati on helped to nurture
the health of people in our community
who, otherwise, may not have had the
resources they needed for a healthy life.
Nurturing health means sti mulati ng body,
mind and spirit to meet life's challenges
eff ecti vely. These are examples of how
your gift s nurtured the health of some of
the vulnerable people in our community.
HealthSET client had her blood pressure checked at wellness clinic in her residence.
Julie Wilber, RN Home Visitor, with mom and baby at NFP's summer picnic for
parti cipants.
helped 300 low-
income families bring healthy fi rstborns into the world and
supported moms and babies with RN home visitors who
provided parenti ng educati on and case management, unti l
the baby's second birthday. Two grants from the Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment allowed the
program to expand from 200 to 300 families in 2013, and
generous donors provided funding for some of the "extras,"
such as a summer picnic, infant clothing, and children's books,
to relieve some of the stresses on struggling new families. This
evidence-based, peer-reviewed program helps children get on
the path to success in school and life.
helps low-income students earn a porti on of
their tuiti on by working one day each week in a corporate,
entry-level job. The program makes a private educati on
possible for low-income students and allows students to learn
about the future that is possible for many of them. In 2013,
donors to St. Anthony Health Foundati on helped sponsor four
Arrupe students.
Allison Wilder, NFP RN Home Visitor, helps 20-year-old mom, as she raises her
1-year-old daughter.
Kathia Robles, Arrupe Jesuit High School student with bus that brought her to
work each week.