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TADA has been described as a Hollywood-class
studio, up in the middle of the Sierras. Featuring
a 275-seat theater, Foley sound stage, tiered
orchestra room, green screen studio and state-
of-the-art editing suites, the 28,000-square-foot
building is now providing a most exciting, hands-
on experience for budding filmographers, actors,
and technical stage and television production
staff, among others.
As part of the preliminary research and planning
for the facility, the building team toured several
studios in Los Angeles, which ultimately helped
guide the task of making the space as high-tech
and professional as possible. For example, the
split-level TV studio incorporates a filming area
and computer bay. As they're filming, one half
Ivone Larson,
Principal, South Tahoe High School
There's no school like this--I've been told that there's no school like this in California, or the
nation. We have a little bit of everything. They are such complex facilities. These aren't just
buildings, they're programs. These are all student-centered, student-focused to provide a
creative environment for our kids.
of the class can be on the lower level filming,
and the other half editing feed from yesterday's
activities on the upper level.
Design decisions were made to expose students
to skills that would set them apart from other
beginners entering the industry. The Foley
floor, the audio and visual editing suites, and
the recording spaces are designed to exceed
industry standards and prepare students for
careers or further education in these fields.
After performing its first full-scale production,
"42nd Street," the cutting edge studio and
performance facility was fondly referred to as
"a miracle at 6,250 feet."