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What does a
food stylist do?
Bidvest uses professional food stylist Jo Wilcox who has styled some amazing brochures
for us including the 2014-2016 Meat & Poultry and Finger Food brochures. This month
we answer the question many people ask us "What does a food stylist do?"
Although Jo has her morning ritual preparing lunches and running
the kids to school, the routine ends there. As a food stylist, no two days
are the same. One day she could be writing and preparing recipes to
be photographed of the New Zealand Woman Weekly, the next she is
creating eye catching ways to make icing sugar jump out of the page
and scream delicious. Today we take a look at what is involved on set
for Jo as she styles our Dessert Solutions Brochure.
As the sample food to be photographed arrives and props are placed
out, the day begins with a quick summary of the plan of attack to
ensure everyone is on the same page. In all aspects of her career,
be it her first job at the local Waihi Bakery or a professional chef and
nanny in France, Jo knows planning is the key to success.
From there it's all go. A food stylist is constantly thinking of how they
can make each product have that wow factor, no matter what it is.
Throughout the day Jo's whisking, stirring, scooping, rolling, chopping,
shifting and placing everything everywhere to turn her ideas into
reality. Her eye for detail comes from her love for creating perfection
on a plate and making customers say "wow!"
As the first product is plated up and sent to be photographed the
next dessert on the list is already half way there. But once it's in front
of the camera the job is only half done. Jo works closely with the
photographer to ensure they get the exact shot they need. This can
take anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes for one product shot. That's
what happens when you're a perfectionist but in this industry there is
no second best.
And so it continues for the three days. Plate after plate is created to
absolute perfection (amongst countless cups of tea). It may sound full
on but when you get excited about food as much as Jo does, the day is
over before you know it.
And the end result ... an amazing brochure so good you could lick the
For more information visit Jo's website
order online 24/7