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Changes in climate
have led to increased
droughts and unreliable
farming seasons.
Climate change
will impact nearly
a billion Africans
before 2050
`Climate Change Needs to
be Part of Everything We Do'
ambian-born Dave Loubser has a lot to say about climate
change. And well he should: As AWF's new program director
for climate change, Loubser is a trained ecologist who has
more than 12 years of experience working on climate change
issues, in South Africa, New Zealand, Abu Dhabi, and elsewhere.
Here are just some of his thoughts on the issue.
Why is it so critical to tackle
climate change in Africa?
A: only one African country, south Africa, is on
the list of the top carbon emitters worldwide.
yet the impacts of climate change are being
felt across Africa, probably more than any
other continent. the landscape is changing:
the glaciers of mts. Kilimanjaro and Kenya
are melting; the shorelines of Lakes chad,
tanganyika, and victoria are receding.
changes in the climate have also led to
unreliable farming seasons, low water
supplies, increased droughts, and heavy
storms. these are serious problems for a
continent almost entirely dependent on rain
for its food security.
Are there any climate change
A: climate change is often referred to
as "global warming." the global surface
temperature is warming at an alarming rate,
but locally, people are seeing something
very different. For instance, this year, europe
saw the coldest winter in decades, while
Australia had some of its worst floods this
century. it is difficult explaining this to a
layperson who's expecting things to be
hotter and dryer. But climate change is real,
it is happening, and it will impact nearly a
billion Africans before 2050--so we had
better do something about it now.
do communities understand
the value of climate change
A: As far as mitigation is concerned, no,
i don't think so. you are dealing with some
very nebulous concepts, such as payments for
this thing called carbon. the idea that using a
clean cookstove may play a contributing role
in stopping the world from heating up! i think
this concept is quite abstract to many people.
Adaptation, on the other hand, is more direct.
communities understand that adaptation
interventions help with the "here and now"
climatic events, such as storms and droughts.
What are some near-term
A: my initial goal is to set up a strategy on how
we will implement our climate change portfolio
through various methods, including conservation
enterprise. it is vitally important that AWF
shares a common vision and direction on how
we tackle climate change in Africa.
i also want to start identifying significant
projects to undertake. AWF has over the years
done a number of climate change­related
projects, and done them well. on the whole,
however, these projects have been small. if we
are to make a substantial impact on this issue,
we need to scale up our work. climate change
is such a cross-cutting matter that it needs to
be included in everything we do.
To read up on our climate change
work, visit