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"Providing high quality promotional goods, that are compliant
with local legislations is essential in our line of business."
We are strongly committed to compliance. In general
compliance means conforming to rules. These rules can range
from national to international laws and regulations to local
policies and specifications. But for us compliance is not just
about adhering to a set of rules.
We strongly believe in corporate citizenship. This involves the
extent to which business meet their social, legal, ethical and
economic responsibilities, with the goal of creating higher
standards of living and quality of life for our employees and
working partners. Buying goods from RFX+CARE makes you a
part of this.
This means that you are buying products made by components
in factories that are audited both announced and unannounced.
You and your customer can rest assure that no human rights
or environmental compliance have been violated. We perform
regular inspections and evaluations of our own factories, as
well as unannounced visits to our subcontractors.