WEDNEsDAy, APrIl 2, 2014 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. full daY pre-coNfereNce workshops digital storytelling: reflection and articulation in a Multimedia world Doug Reilly (Hobart & William Smith Colleges), Tom D’Agostino (Hobart & William Smith Colleges) This workshop introduces study abroad practitioners to the powerful integrative pedagogy of digital storytelling, in which images, words and music are combined into short videos. Participants will learn about digital storytelling in a hands-on manner, making their own videos and sharing them at a follow-up general conference session open to all Forum members. facilitating student learning abroad: a constructivist and holistic approach Michael Vande Berg (MVB Associates), Lilli Engle (AUCP) Education abroad orientation and training programs often focus more on transmitting knowledge than on helping students enhance their intercultural competence. This full-day workshop focuses on strategies and activities proven to help learners develop core intercultural competencies: expanding awareness, shifting perspective, adapting behavior, managing emotions, and empathizing with culturally different others. The writer abroad Larry Meyers (Lewis & Clark College), Peter Chilson (Washington State University), Michael Woolf (CAPA International Education) Writing is an indispensable companion and guide to cross-cultural understanding. We write to discover what we think as well as to record experience. In this workshop, we’ll follow the path an overseas student might: pre-departure exploration of one’s own culture, writing and participantobservation on-site, and revision upon return home. half-daY pre-coNfereNce workshops morning Workshops | 8:30 a.m. to noon know food, know culture EJ Yoder (University of Colorado Denver), Rich Kurtzman (Barcelona Study Abroad Experience), John Sunnygard (University of Colorado Denver) Always discussed but seldom critically analyzed, food is fundamental to the experience abroad. Models from short-term programs in Spain and Guatemala explore food as a vehicle for understanding culture, social justice, globalization and personal identity. We present tools through activities and discussion that include faculty roles, design, assessment and integrating food and culture into life-long learning. overview of the standards of Good practice J. Kline Harrison (Wake Forest University), Sue Jackson (Whitworth University) Are your education abroad programs and practices in line with the Standards of Good Practice? The Standards provide a means to assess all areas of education abroad programming and offer guidance in how to ensure quality in areas such as academic programming, student conduct, resources and personnel and policies and procedures. Using the Standards as a guide, the workshop trainers will assist the participants to examine their own capabilities at their respective universities or organizations. This workshop will be highly interactive through the use of case studies and an opportunity to discuss issues of interest to the participants. 4