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The Weather Diaries
(1977-2011) Directed by George Kuchar
January 19 - Sunday - 3:00 p.m.
This compendium of video diaries from George Kuchar (1942-2011)--long renowned for his
influence on queer filmmakers from Andy Warhol to John Waters--sees him turning away from
his better-known city-life melodramas, transporting viewers across rural America as he takes
up residence in a variety of places as both storm watcher and voyeur of local culture. Striking
an unlikely balance between elements as disparate as the diary film, high melodrama, obser-
vational documentary, and B-horror, Kuchar's Weather Diaries offers an unparalleled slice of
queer camp Americana. The series includes Weather Diary 1 (1986), Weather Diary 3 (1988),
Chigger County (1999), and Hotspell (2011). (HD. 149 min. Not Rated). Contains nudity.
Queer Disorientations 39
(1974) Directed by Radley Metzger
March 30 - Sunday - 3:00 p.m.
Meshing the formalist experimentation of
European arthouse cinema with the visceral
intent of 1970s American soft-core film,
Score follows the exploits of a fashionable
set of married swingers as they vacation
in the imaginary seaside town of `Leisure.'
Shot in gorgeous Eastmancolor in Zagreb,
Croatia, and starring 1970s gay porn idol
Casey Donovan, this film investigates the
directions life can take when a couple of
naïve newlyweds come head-on into con-
tact with the `new freedoms' of the era.
Presented here in the rarely seen uncut
original version. (HD. 90 min. Not Rated.)
Contains explicit sexual material.
Beyond the Hills
Directed by Cristian Mungiu
February 16 - Sunday - 3:00 p.m.
A fervent reunion between long-separated
orphans begins this harrowing fable based on a
2005 incident in a Moldavian convent. Alina's
pious retreat into the remote Orthodox sect
led by a glowering patriarch is disrupted by
her devoted friend Voichita's ardent entreaties,
which begin to resemble demonic possession.
Joining Mungiu's Palme d'Or winner 4 Months,
3 Weeks, 2 Days, this ongoing exploration of
women bonding as defense against totalitarian
regimes stands at the forefront of the Romanian
New Wave's realist masterpieces. In Romanian
language with English subtitles. (2K DCP. 150
min. Not Rated.)
Contains brief nudity.
This film series brings together an eclectic range of films that deal with questions of gender
and sexuality in inventive, challenging, and often unlikely ways. Moving beyond the purview of lesbian and/
or gay cinema, the series creates a platform for a wide variety of film and video work of queer import, from
avant-garde and arthouse to classic Hollywood and recent transnational cinema. Highlighting current work at
the intersection of cinema studies and queer politics, theory, and history, each screening features a tailored
introduction. Sponsored by the Cultural Studies Program, Film and Media Studies Program, Department of
Communication and Culture, Department of Gender Studies, Russian and East European Institute, Depart-
ment of American Studies, and IU Cinema. Special thanks to Ryan Powell. Screenings are free but ticketed.