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Tickets: (812) 855-1103
10 Abbas Kiarostami
Tickets: (812) 855-1103
So Much to Teach Us: Kiarostami Films Iran
From The Traveler to Ten, Abbas Kiarostami's films offer an
inside, delicate look at Iran that the world, including most
Iranians, have never witnessed. Kiarostami accomplished
this with tremendous innovation. World Cinema has learned
much from these films, and recognized this with countless
notably the Palme d'Or at Cannes. These
eight films provide an education about Iran's people and
a profound take on the human mind and soul
original promise to the world. Thanks to Owen Shapiro and
Syracuse University for their partnership. Special thanks to
Jim and Roberta Sherman, the Ove W Jorgensen Founda-
tion, and Rita Grunwald, whose gifts helped make these
programs possible. Because of their generous support, all
screenings are free, but ticketed.
The Wind Will Carry Us
Directed by Abbas Kiarostami
January 23 - Thursday - 6:30 p.m.
With a title taken from a verse by the great by
the Iranian poet Forough Farrokhzad, The Wind
Will Carry Us brilliantly embodies so many of the
visual and thematic concerns that had dominated
his works. A group of filmmakers from Tehran
head to the Kurdish region to record a rarely
performed funeral ceremony. However, when
they arrive, their subject refuses to die. Yet,
as critic J. Hoberman pointed out, the
real subject of the film is "life, death,
and everything in between." Play-
ful, provocative, and finally deeply
moving, the film captures the
extraordinary richness of
everyday experience and the
sense of living fully in the
world. In Farsi language with
English subtitles. (2K DCP.
118 min. Not Rated.)
NOTE: Unfortunately, due to a recent schedule change,
Abbas Kiarostami's visit to the U.S. has been rescheduled
for April. All films in this series will still be screened
without his presence. He will be present on April 6 & 7
with screenings and public appearances being added.