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thermal pool covers
Commercial aquatic facilities are constantly managing programming demands, maintenance needs, and budgets.
The costs associated with water evaporation, heat loss, and chemical consumption rates can have significant
impact on the bottom line. S.R.Smith's Thermal Pool Cover Systems provide a way to mitigate these issues by
having the pool covered edge to edge with custom built insulated covers. To limit the burden on staff, deploying
and reeling in the covers is simple and easy when using the automatic re-winders, deployers and storage reels.
Superior Products and Warranty
With features like quadra seam stitching, load dispersing
PVC plates and weighted edges, the pool covers are built
to withstand harsh pool environments. Combine that with
rugged stainless steel storage reels and automatic rewinders,
these S.R.Smith Thermal Cover Systems make deploying
and rewinding the covers easy for any facility and its staff.
Custom Built for Every Pool & Spa
No matter the size or shape of a pool or spa, we will create
a highly customized Pool Cover System with a multitude
of configurations consisting of different covers, reels, and
Get a custom energy savings quote at
Measurable Savings
Thermal Pool Covers immediately start saving facilities
money. In most scenarios, a facility can recoup their
investment in a pool cover system in 12-16 months. Routine
use of a Thermal Pool Cover insulates the pool during off
hours and can drastically reduce a facilities costs
, typically:
· 70% reduction in heating costs
· 60% reduction in chemical consumption
· 50% reduction in water loss
· Reduction in cleaning needs
Thermal Pool Cover Systems