background image
A. Snapdragon 'Royal Bride'
Antirrhinum majus (an-ti-RYE-num)
1.5-3' h x 1' w | HHA
Trending now--home grown cut flowers for bouquets
that are fresh and lovely. The cream centered white
`Royal Bride' has scented towers of bloom offering the
sweet fragrance that long ago was common in snaps
but elusive in modern offerings until now. Rich, well-
drained soils a must.
S1320 Seed packet...740 seeds...$3.99
C. Sweet Alyssum `Paletta Mix'
L. maritima
4" h x 6" w | HA
From the artist's perspective, this mix is a pointillist
carpet of bloom in lavender, white and purple. A perfect
choice to soften edges in the garden or to spill from pots.
Its honey-scented nectar is loved by bees, and it is an im-
portant flower for beneficial insects. One of the easiest
flowers to grow and quick to bloom too.
S867 Seed packet...500 seeds...$2.99
B. Sweet Alyssum `Benthamii'
Lobularia maritima (lob-yew-LAIR-ee-uh)
10" h x 6" w | HA
Possessing a grace unknown by modern dwarf varieties
`Benthamii' has tall waves of honey-scented,
bee-attracting blooms that are perfect to soften garden
edges and spill from pots and windowboxes.
S299 Seed packet...1,500 seeds...$2.99
CIRCA 1828
D. Stock--Evening Scented
Matthiola longipetala subsp. bicornis
1' h x 6" w | HHA | Self sows
Abandoned by big commercial seed houses, this
cottage garden charmer has dainty lavender and
white four-petaled blossoms, each wee flower
releasing an intoxicating scent in the evening
hours. Sow directly in the garden in spring
behind showier flowers, for it is just a bit awk-
ward looking when not in bloom.
S342 Seed packet...650 seeds...$2.99
L. Sweet Pea Heirloom Fragrance Collection
There's no scent in the world that compares with the
perfume that rushes from the petals of a pre-Spencer
sweet pea. Folks have likened it to the essence of a freshly
opened beehive and have never found a synthetic substi-
tute. After years of experimenting with fragrant varieties,
I offer you the most floriferous, aromatic sweet peas.
Seeds poisonous. (We reserve the right to substitute)
America, Cupani's, Black Knight,
Miss Willmott, King Edward VII
Seed Collection
S1080...5 Seed
(36 seeds/pkt)
Plant Collection
10 Pots,
2 of each/$39.99
(2 plants/pot)
E. Sweet Pea Spring Sunshine Collection
A coveted highly fragrant selection from England,
bred for earliness and incredibly long stems, absolutely
the best cut flower sweet pea available! Freely bloom-
ing and offered in romantic shades of champagne pink,
mauve, cream, baby blue and cerise. Plant in humus
rich sweet soil in early spring. Two plants of each
available color offered as a mix. Seeds poisonous.
(We reserve the right to substitute another color)
Champagne, Mauve, Cream, Light Blue, Cerise
Seed Collection
S1235...5 Seed
(15 seeds/pkt)
Plant Collection
10 Pots,
2 of each/$39.99
(2 plants/pot)
F. Sweet Pea `Blue Shift'
`Blue Shift's blossoms transform from vibrant
purple violet to mauve and then sky blue, an
amazing feat for a fragrant, large flowered Spen-
cer sweet pea! Bred by Dr. Keith Hammett, who
has introduced many a wonderful sweet pea,
this new variety will charm all who grow it.
S1245 Seed packet...$3.99
1/$5.99, 3/$17.25, 6/$33.00
I. Sweet Pea `Mollie Rilestone'
An award-winning highly fragrant variety
from England, specially bred for long stems
and flirty, wavy petals of cream edged in deep
pink. Pick for vases strategically placed on your
bedstand--this may be the best way to greet
another glorious day in early summer.
S164 Seed packet...$2.99
1/$5.99, 3/$17.25, 6/$33.00
G. Sweet Pea `Cupani's Original'
A fragrant bicolor in
marvelous, opalescent
shades of purple and deep blue. Not fussy like
some modern Spencers, this classic can tolerate
warmer summer temperatures too.
S470 Seed packet...$2.99
1/$5.99, 3/$17.25, 6/$33.00
H. Sweet Pea `Old Spice'
The epitome of old-fashioned charm, this
selection shares the honey and orange blossom
fragrance of the original Sicilian variety. Rose,
purple, scarlet, lavender, pale pink and cream
blooms and an easy, accommodating nature.
Generations of gardeners have thrilled to the
sweet scent and remarked on its intricate form.
You too, can experience the fragrance of a
bygone era by growing Old Spice!
S338 Seed packet...$2.99
J. Sweet Pea 'More Scent'
More is better, especially when it comes to
the sweet fresh scent of sweet pea blossoms.
Breeder Keith Hammett's sequel to `High Scent'
is intensely fragranced and full of blooms. The
orange blossom and honey scented flowers will
be the stars of your early to mid summer garden
S1366 Seed packet...$2.99
1/$5.99, 3/$17.25, 6/$33.00
K. Sweet Pea 'Nimbus'
Tall, long stemmed and dramatic, `Nimbus' has
swirls of prune purple to inky striping on a
white ground, the wavy flowers edged in that
same smoldering hue. Sought after as a cut flow-
er, it adds a delicious fragrance to any bouquet.
S1360 Seed packet..$2.99
1/$5.99, 3/$17.25, 6/$33.00
King Edward VII
Black Knight
Miss Willmott
Sweet Pea
Lathyrus odoratus

6' h x 8" w | HA
Seeds: 30-36 seeds/packet
(seeds poisonous)
Plants: 2 or more plants/pot
Butterflies love our
old-fashioned heliotrope!
E. | 1-800-684-0395
Fragrant Flowers & Scented Leaves
HA = Hardy Annuals--frost hardy | HHA = Half-Hardy Annuals--tolerates light frost | TA = Tender Annuals--no frost, prefers warm nights