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Blister plasters are known as hydrocolloid gel plasters and are made for treating blisters. When applied to the
blister, it starts to absorb body liquids turning into a soft mass that cushions the blister. It seals the blister
forming so-called "second skin". The plaster doesn't heal the wound. It prevents the blister from developing
and helps new skin to grow underneath the plaster. Cushioned zone created by the plaster relieves pain and
protects the wound from rubbing. The plaster repels water, and stops dirt and germs from entering the wound,
thus preventing infection. At first the plaster absorbs all the moisture from the blister but over time it becomes
more permeable, so the wound dries out. Unlike ordinary dressings hydrocolloidal plaster stays on the wound
for several days and it stays on even in the shower. RFX+CARE offers a big assortment of blister/ hydrocolloid
plaster in a variety of sizes, shapes for different purposes. The blister plaster in wrapping is R sterile.