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An adhesive bandage, also called a sticking plaster, medical plaster, or simply plaster in is a small medical dressing
used for injuries not serious enough to require a full-size bandage. The adhesive bandage protects the wound
and scab from friction, bacteria, damage, and dirt. Thus, the healing process of the body is less disturbed. An
additional function is to hold the two cut ends of the skin together to make the healing process faster. An
adhesive bandage is a small, flexible sheet of material which is sticky on one side, with a smaller, non-sticky,
absorbent pad stuck to the sticky side. The pad is placed against the wound and overlapping edges of the
sticky material are smoothed down, so they stick to the surrounding skin. RFX+CARE offers a big assortment of
adhesive bandages/ plaster in a variety of qualities, sizes, shapes and properties.