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$40 flat rate shipping on saddles in Canada
Bill Riddle Frontier Cutter
Coming Summer 2014
Bill Riddle has been a professional cutting horse trainer for 30 years. In that time horses he's trained and shown have won in excess
of $4,000,000 in the cutting show arena. His customer's have won an additional $2,100,000. Bill was a history teacher for 10 years
prior to becoming a cutting horse trainer, that teaching experience has allowed him to be one of the industry's premier instructors.
His clinics have been well attended since the first one in 1984. He has conducted clinics in Texas, New Mexcio, California, Ohio,
Idaho, Oklahoma, Canada and Austrailia. Bill has been working with Frontier closely to perfect the New Bill Riddle Cutter avail-
able Summer of 2014!
"I am excited to offer the Bill Riddle Frontier Cutter to the cutting horse industry.
Frontier and I have done the hard work of designing a comfortable, functional saddle
that will fit your horse. We spent a year and a half designing, testing and tweaking this
saddle for you. I am proud to place my name on it!"
Starting at $4295