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Bad Lieutenant:
Port of Call New Orleans
Directed by Werner Herzog
Friday - September 14 - 9:30 p.m.
Nicolas Cage proves that when given adequate
material he can rise to the occasion and help
dramatic subject matter (such as drug addiction
and a life spiraling out of control) transcend
into true art. Cage plays Terrence McDonagh,
a cop who prefers his own shady brand of law
enforcement, who winds up addicted to opiates
after a rescue mission irreparably injures his back.
After graduating from pain medication to cocaine,
McDonagh maneuvers through several different
modes of operation to keep his drug supply
consistent and pure. The film is a meditation on
the scruples of law enforcement officials as well
as a strong character portrait of a man trading
invaluable portions of his identity for white pills
and powder. (35mm. 122 min. Rated R.)
Public Interview
Werner Herzog
Hosted by Professor Greg Waller
Friday - Sept. 14 - 3:00 p.m.
IU Cinema
Grizzly Man
(2005) Directed by Werner Herzog
Friday - September 14 - 6:30 p.m.
In 2003, Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend ventured out into Katmai National Park in Alaska to
weather the lean summer months with a horde of grizzlies, a trip they would not return from. Over
the course of thirteen summer seasons with the grizzlies, Treadwell grew to believe that they had
developed a kinship with him. The film considers the borderline instability and almost delusional
faith that its subject has in the large, notoriously dangerous mammals, without straying far from the
core of Treadwell's well-intentioned mission - to shed light on the precariousness of the grizzly bear's
existence. (35mm. 103 min. Rated R.) *This screening is free, but ticketed.
Patten Lecture
Werner Herzog
The Transformative Role of Music in Film
Thursday - Sept. 13 - 7:30 p.m.
Whittenberger Auditorium
Werner Herzog
Werner Herzog is scheduled to be in attendance at these noted events.