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Tickets: (812) 855-1103
Directed by Jan Svankmajer
Friday - August 31 - 9:30 p.m.
In the film's introduction, director Jan Svankmajer
explains, "Ladies and gentlemen, what you're about
to see is a horror film." But this horror story has no
vampires, werewolves or slasher killers. Instead,
it investigates the horrors of madness, both of the
human psyche and the modern mental institution.
It tells the story of a weak-willed young man named
Jean who is stricken with violent night terrors. An
elderly libertine (inspired by the Marquis de Sade)
seems to come to his rescue, but instead takes him
on a journey into depravity, sacrilege and the dangers
of absolute liberation. Czech language with English
subtitles. (35mm. 123 min. Not Rated.)
(1994) Directed by Jan Svankmajer
Saturday - September 8 - 6:30 p.m.
Drawn from no less than four versions of the Faustian tale (including Goethe, Christopher Marlowe
and Czech folk theater), this adaptation brings the myth into modern Prague, where an ordinary man
suddenly finds that he must play the role of Dr. Faustus. Nothing in this story is predictable, as the
live actor is replaced occasionally by a wooden marionette, stage doors open into grassy fields full of
ballerinas, and Mephisto is the twin of Faust himself. The absurdity possesses a distinctly Kafkaesque
flavor, and we wonder whether Faust has any control over his fate. Czech language with English
subtitles. (35mm. 97 min. Not Rated.)
Shorts Program
Directed by Jan Svankmajer
Friday - August 31 - 6:30 p.m.
This program includes some of
the unique shorts that distinguish
Czech surrealist and stop motion
animator Jan Svankmajer from
his contemporaries. The program
includes: The Flat (1968), The
Garden (1968), Jabberwocky (1971),
Dimensions of Dialogue (1983),
Another Kind of Love (1988), Flora
(1989), Meat Love (1989), and Food
(1992). Czech language with English
subtitles. (35mm and Digital. 77
min. Not rated.)
14 Jan Svankmajer
Tickets: (812) 855-1103