MEET OUR ALUMNI ...THEY’RE BUSY CHANGING THE WORLD Arjun Dheer SFS Kenya/Tanzania Spring ‘12 Ph.D. student, Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research “There is no way I would be where I am today without SFS. Having professors who were directly in my field and meeting scientists who were doing what I wanted to do for a living was eye-opening and incredibly rewarding. It showed me a career in large carnivore research was actually attainable.” Neil Fitzharris SFS Turks & Caicos Spring ‘09 Origination Associate, EDP Renewables Marissa Cusick SFS Costa Rica Summer ‘12 Assistant Farm Manager, Obercreek Farm “We were an amazingly tight-knit group of likeminded individuals who became instant friends. As a 30-year-old I have come to appreciate how rare that is.” “So much of what I’ve done since graduating college has had a direct correlation to daily life on the SFS campus, projects for our classes, and the educational trips we took during the program.” Sybil Gotsch SFS Australia Spring ‘96 Associate Professor of Biology, Franklin & Marshall College “As soon as I got to Australia and spent a few weeks there, I thought, this is it. This is what I want to do. It showed me what it is really like to live at a field station, and you don’t get that back at college.” 25