Personal Care 28 What is Aquaflex®? Aquaflex is a clinically proven Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise System consisting of two cones and a set of weights. It has been designed to help improve your pelvic floor muscle tone. If you accidentally leak urine when you laugh, cough, sneeze or exercise, you may be suffering from stress incontinence and this could be caused by weak pelvic floor muscles. If you exercise and strengthen your pelvic floor you can regain control! How does Aquaflex® work? It is important to exercise your pelvic floor muscles correctly. The Aquaflex Cone is inserted the same way as a tampon and causes the pelvic floor muscles to automatically contract around it. It is this reflex that tones the muscles. As your pelvic floor becomes stronger you will be able to add more weights and increase the time you are able to keep the cone in place, for up to 20 minutes a day. It’s easy! By using this simple and easy to use device for just twelve weeks, the inconvenience of those embarrassing leaks could disappear forever! 09 125 3673 £28.50 CLINICALLY PROVEN TO REDUCE STRESS INCONTINENCE What is the Educator®? The Educator is a simple lightweight and easy to use pelvic floor exerciser that will help you understand and strengthen your pelvic floor. How does the Educator® work? The Educator’s unique design follows the movement of the internal wall of the vagina, allowing you to see how your pelvic floor muscles are being contracted. If you contract your pelvic floor muscles and the indicator moves downward, you can be sure you’re performing the exercises correctly. It’s as simple as that! Even if you can already do pelvic floor exercises, the Educator can assess your technique and monitor your improvement! Correct Exercise One of the main problems women experience when first attempting pelvic floor exercises is knowing whether they are doing them correctly. Many women think they are doing these exercises correctly when in fact they may not be. For pelvic floor exercises to help reduce the symptoms of urinary incontinence it is vital these exercises are performed correctly. 09 125 3707 £15.00 ImPORTANT Do not use Aquaflex or Educator if you are pregnant, during your period, if you have a prolapse or vaginal infection. Further help For further medical advice contact your GP who can put you in touch with a Continence Advisor or Specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapist in your area.