“What makes this place so special is something intangible that one can’t quite put his finger on – but it creates an uplifting attitude, and a feeling that you’re truly alive and living the way you’re meant to. I think at the core, that is what brings these modern-day frontiersmen together. It’s the knowing that every day spent amongst magnificent places in Western Wyoming is a day lived to the fullest. Whether flying up high amongst the Teton peaks, low in the Snake River Canyon, or soaking up the luxury at the Double L Ranch it is the richness of life that makes this place home”. David Carter and Scott Wolff, PilotMag There are numerous reasons why those who live in Wyoming have chosen to have their primary residences here. Some of those reasons are emotional, such as the sheer beauty of the natural surroundings and the overall quality of life. Other reasons are more practical in scope and include Wyoming’s overall tax-climate benefits. For years, Bloomberg has rated Wyoming as the most taxfriendly state in the United States.