Student blurbs (continued) My experience at convention has inspired me to not only bring new ideas back to my own chapter, but has also motivated me to become involved in the fraternity at the international level. I am excited to have been given the position of Canadian Student Representative to the AO Foundation and my goal is to help raise awareness and funds for the foundation in the upcoming year. I hope to continue attending conventions in the future and look forward to contributing to this most worthwhile organization. Elnaz Hendifar (Alpha Tau, UCLA) I was thrilled to learn more about the projects and mission trips AO is involved with and also how much AO is helping Israel. Moreover, I was honored to be participating in the GOHI project on the first day. It was also interesting to hear about the impact AO has had on the career or even the love life of some people at the convention. Needless to say, interacting with other students and learning about their chapters Installation with them Night while spending timeand Awards at the hockey game and going to different places also has left me with great memories. Leaving the convention, not only was I touched by the inspiring speeches such as Steve Anderson’s, but I also felt fortunate to be part of such a big, yet friendly and welcoming family. Nevertheless, I realized that my chapter needs to be more connected with the other chapters and I will make every effort to do so. Whitney Mostafiz (Delta, Harvard) 2011 Poster Competition Students night out in Tampa Having fun at the Panthers vs. Leafs game in Florida! Attending the Alpha Omega International Annual Convention for the first time in 2011, I had no idea what to expect. Nonetheless, it did not take more than a day at the convention for me to realize that this would be an amazing experience where I could learn and interact with many great people from all over the world. And not surprisingly, this event far exceeded my expectations of a regular convention. It was not just an event full of meetings, but rather, it was a big family getting together, sharing what activities their chapters participated in during the past year, doing philanthropic and fun activities together and celebrating different occasions. What I loved the most about it was the friendliness and the warmth of everyone and their interest to learn about you and offer to help you. I always felt welcomed and never intimidated to approach all the great and successful dentists even though I was just a student. In fact, the Student Mentor Program created such opportunity for all the students. Moreover, I got to dine with such amazing people on different occasions and celebrate New Year’s Eve with them. What amazed me the most at the convention was the scale of Alpha Omega worldwide and learning about the impact it has had on different people. This was my 4th convention this year, and I'm happy to say that I've been able to share all of my winter breaks with my AO family. Each year has offered me a new opportunity, meeting outstanding fraters and serving as Foundation and international Student Representatives. This year was particularly special. My dean, Dr. Donoff (who happens to be in AO), was receiving the Achievement Award, Alpha Omega's highest honor. Seeing him there with his family and hearing him speak was a touching experience, despite being made fun of for my dance moves at the New Years Eve party! It was also great to see some AO members I've befriended while overseas in Australia. I had been in touch with Dr. Rapoport for several years, encouraging him and his family to attend convention. Finally this year he came and First day at sea – sun-tanning! he also gave a CE pearls lecture. I look forward to seeing him when I revisit Sydney in the near future, as well as my other Australian AO friends who I'll be staying with! I truly value the worldly connections AO has to offer us all. While this is my last year participating in AO as a dental student, I look forward to continuing my involvement in AO as an orthodontics resident and a soon-to-be practitioner one day. Page 1 April 2012● Volume 1, Issue 36● Alpha Omega Articulator ●